Enoch Seeman
1694 - 1745
A Portrait of a Man, possibly a Self Portrait

Oil on Canvas
76(h) x 61(w) cms
Signed: 'E: Seeman. pinx.'
Known images of Seeman tend to date much earlier in his life. A famous, flamboyant self portrait (now known only from the mezzotint by John Faber in 1727) shows him at the age of 19. An even earlier self portrait which displays no less self belief and confidence is with Philip Mould in London.
The engaging stare in this present portrait, a more intent gaze than his commissioned portraits, would suggest that this was indeed the artist himself, considerably further in years. It shows him with aged features, grey hair and perhaps just a little more worldly wise as well as a little less arrogant.
Private Collection, UK