1661 - 1743
Two Cocks fighting in a Farmyard, a Pheasant and two Hens nearby
1619 – 1678
Two Common Wall Lizards (Podaris Muralis)
1770 - 1849
Thompson’s Gazelles, a Muntjac and Sika Hinds in a Landscape
A Study of a Cat
1790 – 1871
Two Ibizan Hounds
Pyrenean Mountain Dog and an Italian Mastiff
A Study of a Toad
1603 – 1653
Chickens, Chicks, a Cockerel and Ducks in a Landscape
1820 – 1884
A Leopard, seated
1611 – 1661
A Cocker Spaniel with a dead Partridge and a Woodcock in a Landscape Setting
A Hunting Dog with Game including Partridge, a Woodcock and various Song Birds at the Foot of a Tree
1636 – 1695 and c. 1575 – 1638
A Menagerie of Exotic Birds in a Landscape
Prenzlau 1744 - 1773 Bath
A Spaniel in a Landscape
Amsterdam 1640 - 1705
A Barn Interior with Pigeons and a Crested Cockerel
1824 – 1890
A Study of Monkeys
1682 – 1764
Two Spaniels in a Classical Landscape
Active 19th Century
A Chicken nesting in a Basket of Straw in a Barn; a Mouse and a broken Lantern nearby
1651 - 1704
A Macaw and a Hoopoe perched on a Stone Urn with a Parrot on the Balustrade from which hangs a Swag of Fruit
1628 - 1698
Studies of Talbot and Boar Hounds
Two Pumas in a Landscape