1611 – 1675
A Church Interior, probably the Oude Kerk, Delft
1830 – 1871
The Artist and his Model
1605 – 1671
A Lady kneeling before an Altar in a Church Interior
1620 - after 1675
The Interior of a Gothic Church with Mass being celebrated in a Side Chapel
1570 - 1629
The Vladislav Hall at the Castle of Prague
1580 – 1649
The Interior of a Church, possibly Hooglandsekerk in Leiden
The Interior of St. John Lateran in Rome with an Artist
1785 – 1837
Peasants in a Barn
c. 1610 – 1668
Elegant Company Merrymaking in an Interior
c.1601 – 1658
A Peasant Family in an Interior
A Bag Maker’s Workshop
A Belt Maker’s Workshop
Rotterdam 1631 - 1689
A Woman in an Interior drawing from a Female Bust on a Table
Antwerp c.1578 - c.1659
The Interior of Antwerp Cathedral
Antwerp 1624 - 1693
An Interior with Elegant Company making merry
The Hague 1743 - 1813
A Mother with her three Young Children in an Interior
1588/9 - 1628
Christ with St John the Evangelist and Nicodemus seated at a Table in a candlelit Interior